Want to contribute?

Want to contribute your experiences and pictures to Take Back Roads?  Everyone is welcome, and anyone can add a post and/or pictures.  All you need to do is complete the form below, or you can send me an email – scott@takebackroads.com


Let me know what you would like to write about:  you can share an experience that you had on a back road, trip ideas, travel suggestions, photography tips, and more!


I will happily add anyone that would like to contribute to the page as an author.  This will give you the ability to add and edit your post and upload pictures to your page.  No one will be given the ability to administer the blog in general.  You will only be allowed to add and edit your own posts.

A couple rules:

  • NO hatred.  This should be pretty self-explanatory.
  • NOTHING deragatory.
  • NO mocking the posts of any other users.
  • Basically, don’t be rude.  The Golden Rule applies here.

Ultimately, I have the final say on whether something is inappropriate.  If I have a concern, I will contact you to let you know what part(s) of your post I am taking issue with, and we can discuss it.  However, if I’m not satisfied with the changes made (or not made), then I retain the right to remove your post.

The intent of this blog is to share enjoyable travel experiences with others.

Who can contribute to Take Back Roads?

Anyone!  Here’s the sweet thing – this is not meant to be a blog by and for bikers, Jeepers, or any other specific enthusiast – other than travel enthusiasts!  This blog is for ANYONE.  I am looking for posts about experiences you’ve had on back roads – I don’t particularly care about the means by which you got there.  It could be via car, motorcycle, horseback, bicycle…  hell, you could get there on foot for all I care!  I’m just looking for what you’ve seen and what you recommend.

Why should I contribute to Take Back Roads?

Great question!  The short answer is that by doing so, you will encourage others to share in the excellent experience(s) you had on back roads!  As I discuss in our “About” page, Take Back Roads was created after I witnessed how the Interstate Highway system (among other factors) has damaged – in some cases, destroyed – the small towns and villages that the original National Highway system supported.  By bypassing these areas in the name of efficiency, the Interstates have slowly drained the economies of much needed money spent on food, gas, and retail goods.

Our hope is to create a desire to spend a bit more time on your journey to and from wherever it is you are going.  By sharing your personal experiences, you broaden and diversify the perspectives that online readers can find.  The more stories that we publish and the more photos of the beauty that we experience become available to the public, the more incentive we create for people to get off the highway and Take Back Roads!

I’m looking forward to your contributions and to see what you have to share!



Zion National Park


  1. Thank you for showing me this site, hood stuff I love taking pictures of my bike with different back drops! Ride safe!

    • Thanks! If you want to contribute, send me an email or follow the instructions on the page. Would love to get some pics and stories from our northern neighbors!

Got something to say? Leave your 2 cents here!